Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No teeth were harmed in the making of this post...except one.

Let me preface this post by thanking the staff of Dr. John Roeder, and Dr. Roeder himself! What a peach.

       Let’s face it, everyone likes going to the dentist. Right? The smell and taste of latex gloves in your mouth, the melodic high-pitched screeeeee of drill against tooth, and let’s not forget the needles; ah nothing better than a needle in the mouth. (Except maybe trying to pull a racquetball out of your nose like Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall)


So you can imagine how excited I was to get a cavity filled the other day. Yes!

Since I’d never been to this particular dentist before I decided to have a little fun. 

This is what my normal smile looks like:

                                                                 Wow! Jay Leno chin.

But THIS is what I looked like when I entered the office:

                                                                     Cue the banjo music

Now, I have to tell you that I probably didn't need to drive to the dentist's office wearing those amazing Halloween teeth, but I must highly recommend it. Especially if your having a bad day because it's impossible not to crack-up at the faces of the people in the cars next to you. Might I even suggest hanging out at a bus stop, perhaps with a chicken bone hanging out the side of your mouth? (Let me know if you'd like me to do that one and I'll film it and blog it!)  

Everyone tries to be so polite by looking away, but how can a dentist not look at their patients' teeth? 
They CAN'T! Ha!

The dental assistant was totally on board and she volunteered to take the pictures while I sat in the chair trying not to smile. 

He walked in mid sentence:


                                                               Doctor is not amused

I thought for a moment, "Why am I trying to insult a guy who is about to put a bunch of pointy, sharp, metal objects into my mouth hole?" 

But then...a chuckle emerged:

                                                          Ok. Good times...good times.

A dentist with a sense of humor...Rare. Thank you goddess Dentine!
Actually, now that I think about it, it was his suggestion that I don't need any shots for numbing or anything...Hmmm. And it did last longer than expected, and he also put his foot on my chest for what he called "leverage". (Ok the last one is a lie)

So here's the's actually easier than one might think to film one's own dental filling. you should try it.

Look at the cool sunglasses they give you to wear.

So, I know I look as cool as a cucumber, (especially in the sunglasses). But I felt like Arnold again...why does he plague me so?


So, all in all, it was a pretty good way to spend a Tuesday in my book. And I will resist the lame, "I'll be back" joke, but I would totally go back to him. Dr. Roeder was a really good sport, he even suggested that I surprise the next dentist by showing up with Oreo cookie mouth. 
Not bad Dr. Roeder.


  1. OMG that was crack up funny...the pics of you in your fangs nearly did me in!!!...had images of you driving along and scaring the sh.. out of other drivers:):):)
    You are truly a comedian and a skilled writer of scenes...
    I feel there are a slew of scripts getting ready to make their way out of you and that this blog is the clearing of the throat so to speak for letting the flow of movies come through you...
    You really are talented Shan...I am sure you already know that but it's nice to hear again I am sure...
    keep em coming...

  2. I'm here! I wanna see some of the NC Beach pics :)
